I know. The issue seems to occur if let's say someone bought god then bought titan instead of upgrading to titan.
And this is also me xD I couldn't log into my old account and realised my name was probably changed as I requested.
my skin was already kirito ;D
kirito!!!! :D
wouldn't spamming this thread make a moderator come here quicker? ;D
*uses 3d printer, prints cookies, eats them* *except uses the ingredients for the cookies instead of that paper stuff*
your profile pic makes me hungry...
thx for caring anyway xI
actually, yeah close it i probably wont have enough time for mod here anyway now ._. got a social network to design lol
il just edit, dw
14.9 should be rounded to 15 though ._. i am fast tracking most of my classes by 2 years anyway -.- such as ITC
well i guess il just edit it ._. as honesty is rather valued to me :P
someone delete this thread plz :I
ahh why am i so lazy with my apps these days ._. ima make another one
ik... but 14.9 should count as 15 xD and Java Python WebGL are languages!!! i use them for 3d website development! :I
dammit I thought I showed the link :I oh well, go to gotpvp's site then go to forums, general discussion and find resigning and that was by me in...
oh and thanks for helping me with my app!! ^-^