Noobcrew is Fixing a server! Hope All the rest will be fixed in due course :P
Read up on my thread in suggestions, "KitPvP New Map (No Reset)" I belive that increasing the /kit Titan cooldown will bring balance to the server...
Thanks for making a start on fixing up the servers, keep an eye on bananaman, I believe he would make a great admin and benefit the server alot in...
Thank you so much for starting to FIX the server :) Please keep reading the suggestion section for amazing new suggestions that would improve a...
@CypriotMerks @Noobcrew, read some of these suggestions, so easy to add yet improve the game so much. Support on a Large Majority of these.
It's Slay*
You don't seem to understand the point of a suggestion. It is meant to be to suggest things you want added to the staff team. Not try once, give...
This is why I am making this thread. To encourage them to make a map rather than point out that they are making a map :)
Most people have read past threads on /kit Titan, these involve not editing the kit but prolonging the time in between each /kit. I also have no...
1.) He has mentioned it many times? 2.)Please, prove to me "50%" of the server wants a reset. 3.) OP people don't want a reset because they have...
I am suggesting a map change and kit nerfing because of this. Noobcrew DOESN'T want a reset therefore I'm trying to include as much as possible...
I could only do the premium on another account if you still wanted it but as i just did an upgrade for Scorvix that was only 5$ more for a lot...
Bump/First comment in case I need to add more info to the thread and add images later.
Well, Currently the KitPvP map isn't greatly designed. Basic Thread Explanation: I'm not saying it needs to be a groundbreaking piece of work as...
@fryzigg @tin15cro ? Try and get cyp to fix this or explain why he can't? :l
Ok, I have seen you have taken my feedback, and others, well. I Support the build as becoming a new spawn despite this factor but... I Still...
If you don't mind, I wil make a few comments on the structures. Jk if u Mind I'm still making them <3 1.) The arch and the islands coinciding...