PlayStation is better mate. Thanks though.
PS4 £300 or under
FPS Gaming, cod and stuff.
You guys are amazing at this.
Anyone got any recommendations, any price really but preferably under £300. Comment below.
B03 Deluxe Strategy Guide B03 Season Pass Gaming Monitor Golden Cassio Money A life.
Member for 1 Year
Loving the time taken to make the new hub, 16 minutes on a Windows XP and a six year old could better that.
Payn gud m8 all reed plz I wnt mnyzzzzz
Just one thing m9. 'There is no right age to start shaving your legs' This infers shaving your legs as being something one should never do...
Anyone doing upgrades, I'm very rich and need 50$
Well ****'ing **** the **** out of it. Waiter there's a scrub who somehow got BO3 early in my soup!
Mhmm, this comes from pretty much all my mates who have either gotten Xbox one or PS4 for their birthdays, then experiencing the ps4 when visiting me.
Xbox one is a let down.
This wouldn't be scamming. If it wasn't worth that much, it would be using the recipients stupidity to gain profit. Nothing wrong with that.
I'm quite obviously joking.
My dream job is mod.
I would buy the full version of cut the rope. 4 years of the free trial isn't quite adequate.