No support, tbh this cmd should stick with the cool down
Thats crazy
This won’t ever happen, the staff team doesn’t want a unban all
No support, you aren’t ready
Neutral, I’ve noticed you have been trying your best for this position but I feel like you should stick to having the “Youtuber” role on mineverse
No support like others said you’re very toxic and immature sometimes
Ye but this crate key is straight up bad items like rent said he got ONE epic key and 350 which is nothing on oppvp now, Support
Neutral just heard you quit gl
Noobcrew made speed potions buyable when the new map was just released and no one wanted them in the game
Let’s be real why is hacking such a problem? If anything were to happen like the player base increasing etc.. Why not just recruit some more...
Good idea this would be fun
Support and maybe the admins could add a /shop command for the plot world that allows you to buy the items you need to build and once you teleport...
No support, ^^^^
support, tbh 10$ is already a decent expensive price going higher would just ruin the point of it
I doubt your alts will be unbanned, mine weren’t able to get unbanned on some game modes smh
prada gang