Wonder if you even remember me..
haven't ever seen you on before and I've been here 4+ years and you barely meet requirements and you've been banned quite a few times recently, no...
why wasnt i following you wtf is wrong with me
Left before you joined, but you made an impact on the server in a positive way. Thanks for your service
good yes (just unblock your profile please)
took me a sec to get it but it makes sense yeah support
not much, birthday was yesterday, how are you?
One out of the few that remember me
Then what is the point in hacking when you're even a mod? Just to say you made it for bragging rights? You've had this app open a while man, and I...
paulainmo #18
happy for you :)
god i LOVE THIS GAME and guess what they made sym a BETTER ZARYA HOLY S*** THERE GOES A SKILL CEILING
support does more damage than half the dps and heals herself = BALANCED
rip s10 is trash anyway because brigette is the most broken dps *cough* support *cough*
catch me coming to aus to watch infinity war and chill
k.i.t please
what rank are you im a s*** diamond widow xd
banned for mentioning disneychannel without a copyright liscence
It's all about sentai now, baihu is a dead meme