Who cares what a player thinks of you??! If they think you're bad at pvp, let them think that. Plus if this gets filtered, people can just easily...
Doggos are great woof
Hey person and welcome to the forums! We really appreciate that you stopped hacking on this server and I'm sure the staff, and players, are happy...
*Wishes to dislike your statement *No dislike button kms *Hypothetically dislikes your statement mhmmm
Hello, person!! Pretty into and happy late welcome to the forums.
Yes, please. A ton of people are p10 now and it's getting annoying. Most games last >50 second plus zombie prestige rewards do need to be downgraded.
If this is the case, then you can always contact him via email at [email protected] If they haven't replied to your email in a few days, just...
@Ordi @Quertiss @Sparky
@Alana and I ;^)))))) Anyway, welcome to the community!!!
Neutral - You seem like a very nice person - Try to be more active on forums and with reports - You also have many grammar mistakes that should...
No support - You barely meet the requirements. Before applying for mod, I recomend having at least 200 messages on forums so at the time of...
No Support - Do more reports. -Become more active on forums. - Your Knowledge category really only talks about your grades which is pretty...
Neutral - I do see you in-game - Active on reports - Become more active on forums - You do have some simple grammar and sentence structure...
Hello person I know!
Hello person!
Infection went sour because they had to remove kits and added op zombie bows and eggs. But yeah I guess I'm and old-ish Infection player, my ign...
The few gamemodes that still have kits are that way because normal players do not need to donate to acquire the items that donators get for...
From the northern-most part of Mars! Here, we speak ancient Northern Martain as our native language.
Usually, there are about 300-350 players on the server at a given time. That's not bad. But compared to the amount of players from a year or two...