No support. Its very flat and lacks a lot of detail.
happy birthday Quertiss ;)))
Hehe yeah I should We'll see
Changing to no support because of the information posted by @Projecki and the paragraph by @Sparky that supports Projecki's topic. Good Luck...
loserrr </3 jkjk
bjh.jkjxfghhjkhcfgvb tyty
Tonyawojo Light yellow background tyyy
No Support -Infection already has a city-themed map. There's no need for another one. -It's like really tiny - Looks alright. Needs more...
No Support - It's a small map with not many hiding spots for the humans. I feel that Infection games won't last much longer with this map versus...
Squidy, hey! idk you
5'4" ishh
Support -Active in-game and on forums -Do many reports -Nice application! Good luck :^)
Whats up with that pfp
Hello.. (;
Yeah I'm pretty sure everyone is aware of this. Yet nothing is being done? Sad
Neutral - I like the theme and idea of the map - Not too op for the humans - Maybe add a village somewhere to provide more hiding spots. Idk...
Support. I love playing Cops and Robbers. But I feel that the mini-game should reset every 20-30 minutes so a few new guards are assigned and the...
Support. They should be punished for at least two weeks.
Um this will end up making both the stalker and profile owner uncomfortable..
I completely agree. I can't take anyone serious if they text or chat like that.