Support: While it is a very large map, it is well-balanced with the number of structures of either side. I like the style because it is something...
Neutral: - I like the size of the map considering it's not too big or too small - The dark-theme is nice and something different, I especially...
It seems that the majority of the links provided don't work, you may want to check on that or provide the command to teleport to whomever's plot...
I support this to an extent: It is clear that the humans (highly-ranked) have an advantage over the zombies considering zombies don't nearly do as...
That's what I thought (;
wHy aRe YoU HeRe
No support It looks very nice and appealing to the eye; however, I find the map to be way too big for the game mode. Goodness knows that when we...
It wouldn't necessarily be a rule. Rather, (I am assuming) that players won't physically be allowed to drop items out of their inventory. If a...
Nah man
Support! I appreciate how it is a different style of map. Involving that it is smaller, well-balanced, and the building style itself is unlike any...
Support! As an active member on infection, I find myself playing less and less because it is getting bland (I'm not even max so that's not an...
Support! It looks great in-person and I find that there is a nice human-zombie mix. As in, this map does not seem primarily human-based nor...
Support! I agree that it adds a new objective, especially for those max people who don't need the levels (hence don't have much of a reason to...
[ATTACH] @Sando3
Thank youuu :3
Goodness yes, glad you understand :pp
It's pretty lit. When we're all together and 8 of us join a random gamemode like Kitpvp, everyone is hecking confused cause they've never seen us...
no u
Support. As an active infection player myself, I can say that I see you on quite often and you are always so polite! You'd be a nice addition to...