Acting serious versus acting mature is far from the same. I find it hard for one staff member to be more serious than another, given that they...
Neural You seem like a nice lad with kind intentions. However, do become more familiar on forums, with the rules, and the players. It is...
Let your toes be sniffed by the grass, the coming breeze, the rays of the morning sun as you tread upon our shared earth without the burdens of...
I am simply looking after the bottom 97% of the population who are oppressed by the doings of the bourgeoisie. "Workers of the world, unite!"
I understand your confusion. The bourgeoisie has simply brain-washed you to accept their capitalistic and inherently unfair policies of wearing shoes.
As a member of the proletariat, I feel bitterly oppressed by wearing closed-toe shoes. I am currently planning to facilitate a class-wide...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Tonyawojo33X The offender's exact ingame name:...
Ah heck now you have no reason not to bully me! <3
No support It seems to be that you just don't care about the position based on the lack of effort you put into the application. Also, it's the...
Welcome to the forums!
It also should be addressed that this reset particular has many P10 maxed people due to the vote reward parties. After the reset, people AFKd on...
Welcome Back! No need to create a new account, you can simply change your account name, here's how! - On the top right of the screen click your...
Support! I love the theme and the size of the map, looks great!
OMg I'm so happy for you!i1i1i1!!!i
oH yeah @Tonya sucks, imagine being her -Tony
You started playing this server when you were five? Kuddos to you!!
Fear, Despite your recent ban, I do like to think that you have learned your lesson and I believe you when you say that you will no longer hack...
Thank you for your service, I wont miss you <3
As an example, the building ontop of the hill ledge is simple a rectangle with a triangular roof right. I suggest adding some dimension rather...