Support. However, if someone dies with stacked potions on them, will the potions still be stacked on the ground, and when someone picks them up?...
Welcome to the forums :33
You're the absolute best, Janice! Always keep smiling.
Your donation is appreciated
Damn Master Chief you're looking like you came straight outta 2012, you come around here often?
Lets make it happen
#1 biggest fan status achieved
Very nice!
Bro are you like psychic?!?!?!? Next staff promo wave #exposed
Sounds awesome, thanks guys!
Support! The map looks great.
Thanks Crew (:
"First of all, and perhaps most obvious. I'm a guy. Statistically, guys are also more likely to have a personality more suitable for leadership. I...
Hey John, my name is Tonya Have a good day!
Support! More prestiges and more maps, please! There are so many map submissions on the forums. By including more maps made by the players...
Looks good!
This game is still relevant?
Great work guys! Infection maps next please