Thats why 50% of minevesre is leaving
but also add wins
But i still live the second one u did its awesome!!
O thx for trying and im sorry for bugging you
maybe there could be both ? /stats and it would show you per round and permanent.
ok thx
Hello im logfin825 and I think that there should be stats in infection. This would be an awesome feature to infection. So you could do /stats or...
Hello I'm logfin825 and I think that there should be stats in infection. This would be an awesome feature to infection. So you could do /stats...
Ign: logfin825 Prestige:5 Level:96 Do you know me: Yes Donator rank? Which one: God Which rank do you want to be? I would like to be Mod if not i...
Kinda but a bit more spiky and less down
Cool videos!
Spiky? I like that
I am already god but my brother is on this server to and he would like MVP if its alright if you cant vip would do. His IGN: wolfin8605 His rank...
Support i know nightfire quite well he is always nice to me and others and I think he would be a great mod! :D
IGN: Logfin825
Could i see what that would look like if not its ok. SOz for bugging you I STILL LOVE IT
Oh its pretty awesome THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!