Maybe there wouldnt be highscores just your own scores?
support its awesome
support i think it would be good to have a mod on skygRid
No support sorry but I think you need a bit more info.
Ok thx for the help and if I do make it ill will try to show you i can do well.
I never got UNBANNED my ban was just for like 3 weeks
Im unbanned now though
nope i dont know why i got banned
I got banned for no reason!
whats that?
Why were you jailed?
What colour is your hair? Blone What colour is your eyes? Blue What colour is your skin? White what is your 2 fav colours? Green and blue Would...
In infection no way am i op but im a good fighter
support i love this feature servers like mineplex have this and there is hardly any lag
did you quit mod?
Thank you :D
Actually if they infect all humans maybe they might have a win? How about there are zombie stats and human stats?