Get moderator already smh
can u buy me owner rank thx
Hmm feel like I know you
I have not the slightest clue how I chose my username. The one in my profile isn’t even right FYI.
Ur pfp is golden
my dude its one of the bodyguards from the lorax. mr. o'hare is not pleased with you, and the lorax isnt either
we haz dis on skybwoc so yal can hav eet hear
join me in the bad gang B)
Actually was way faster than I was expecting! I saw you replied earlier that you checked every 3 years, so I didn't exactly start out with the...
Who’s jojo
Any second now...
wait you got mod
Let’s see how long it takes for you to check this
idk if this is quite what Noobcrew expected but ok XD
"Damn bro reallys putting hoes before bros..." = (rule#3 of the bro code) did you just... DID YOU JUST BREAK RULE #3 OF THE BRO CODE???
Support, needa block that snado guy
Toe jarrow
Also late happy borthdai