Whats the longest you have been banned (not perm banned, actual timed ban) on any server? I'll start! I was banned for 190 days! Still don't know...
why the frick on survival do you get random fall damage even when you only fall 1 block I LITERALLY LOST 5 STACKS OF DIAMONDS BECAUSE OF IT like wot
Get back here or you’re grounded
Never heard of him
Can’t tbh if ya don’t know me B)
Slowly taking over all of noobcrews platforms... Gg
Freench detected
Welcome, enjoy your stay!
Idk why ur banned so u shud dm me on discord but #FREEEEEATOMMMMM
Ou ohh so senior member is a trophy not a title ohh ok
P I l l o w hii
but what about senior member
yee ik but I unlocked senior member here not too long ago and I sure aint have it no just the default titles like member active member and senior...
how do I change my title thingy so it can say senior member coz ik there was a way to do it but i aint rememba how
DinglesplatBerry coz heck why not