Parkour is sometimes hard, it requires movement of the fingers, I may try this.. lol jk I wont... for now
I need a new computer/laptop ._.
No support, for the indecent accusation you threw at Torch and I's map application. A true moderator would merely say "No support" without...
Thanks for all your supports!
Most of us climb our mountains, merely to jump straight off. Check it out BOI
Thanks to everyone whose supported so far! We need as much as we can get to have it implemented! Also bump ;)
Pokemon - The Movie
Thanks jhow, you're the weirdest pro I know. Hehe Thanks Tads! Thanks D8 You're support helps! Thanks! The video shows a lot more than the...
Where Eagles Dare.
Support boi
It is a movie
That sly illuminati
Torchwood you deserve to be mod gg
Rodeen is cool and should;d be mod lol