nice arabic lol, thankss <3 hit the button tho?
@GGs wb me :(
I want a profile banner, :(
how th have you not gotten mod yet wth?
yay <3 ily wintywufflies
.. waiting ;(
I really want premium but i'm poooooooooooooor
bump :)
where is the dislike?!?!?!!?! forca barcaaaaa
player disrespect @Pile
fake yeezys bahahahaha
So, I came across this thread: https://www.mineverse.com/threads/your-favorite-people-on-mineverse-gravedug.43458/ and I decided to bring it back!...
Why am I obsessed with Yeezys wth
4-1 undeserved.
wait what - thanks for your service, but what the heck happened
AYEE FORZA JUVE (although i am not a juventus fan, I will never support Real Madrid in my life)