yes thank u my owner is @hannah
bro ur cute lol
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Banned.
You're good, don't worry about it. Both players have been banned.
thats not me u are lying
we called like once lol ur chill n epic sometimes the things u say confuse me
u are so precious i love u wow
Locking and archiving !
u are very epic & super chill to hang out with. you’re one of those ppl where i could be in a call w u for like hours and not get bored lol i...
ME i expect an essay
i do not rly knoww what happened wit us it is very passive aggressive but i hope we can work it out sunglsases emoji u are cute and epic thank u...
me memmee
u are so epic actually idk we nvm rly talk ur profile pic is cute i lke ur user SIMON U ARE SO EPIC very grateful to have met u. coolest dude...
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been tempmuted. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.
u are very cool epic man and i'm so grateful to have you as one of my friends <3 u are very epic but u make me really mad sometimes u are a...