hey just a warning i know ur talking with quert and all just know he has some diseases that you should probably talk to him about. careful...
do a tbh on gucci and tbone plz
pretty sick dog. i dont mean that literally he's just cool and epic. hope he's not sick still. love him loads. he's very big too it's sick. very...
u seem very silent on forums and stuff but when u talk its always cool things lol u seem nice u seem cool i like dogs and judging by ur picture i...
i miss u n ur super cool n funny u make me laugh a lot ur snapchat stories are funny too the islands look sick!!! u used to remind me to feed my...
howd u know
No support.
i did cry alot actually thank u
just gave u ur 3,600th positive remember it.
Hey! Please be patient with reports, moderators have school & lives just as much as regular players do. Have a great day! <3 :D
bro <3
Reopened on request.
u have sick shoes
Locking and archiving.
cutie join qts
wow ur cute
wanna see cute anime girls?? look at my profile cover!!!
my heart is getting sick from the tar that's on your lips