So I had a quick browse through suggestions and I don't think this has been said before so; My suggestion is to add new forums colours / update...
Preface: I understand that voting is completely optional. The rewards we are given upon voting are a courtesy and the MineVerse server is in no...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Sa_Sa_Sabrina The offender's exact ingame name:...
Please follow this template when making a Bug | Glitch report. Your in-game name: Sa_Sa_Sabrina Game mode that the bug and/or glitch is...
Preface: So i've been playing a lot of hypickle and what you can get once you have enough coins / unlock certain ranks is custom death messages,...
i know this is a tedious task, but it would be so much easier to make new suggestions / support suggestions if staff went through and marked...