Support! Best of luck! Also- I feel you on the username thing... although it was my cousins who changed them, not me...
Even though you don't know me, I've seen you being a well-known and friendly user to the community... for an extremely long time as you said. I...
It's plain? Maybe add some colors, change the size of the text, and center it all? Other then that, I love it!
Support! Best of luck! :D :)
Hey... just a tip, don't post too much... It can create spam. If you'd like to say something, put it all in one comment, not in 3 messages....
No Support... Sorry! Things to work on: - Grammar... Fix words like: "STREGTHS" and all the lowercase, "i" 's as well....
Support... Best of luck! :)
Neutral (Again) - Lots of reports - Working on getting yourself well-known in the community - Some grammar mistakes Best of...
No support for now... Sorry! Best of luck! One good thing: - Lots of reports (but at the same time, all your posts are reports..) Things to work...
yes ty
Not to be mean or anything... but... Tough luck, kid... Everything doesn't go your way. As time goes by, things improve or change for the better.
Heh... I think I discovered mineverse around - maybe Late 2013? Idk, but I had a different username - 5grace - until my cousins... ugh... I left...
I lIke tHe bOsS baBy [IMG]
Um... You'll have to wait some time to become mod.. get yourself well-known in the community, do reports, and all the stuff like that. Anyways......
[IMG] Wot dO yOu mEan m8? If anything... I think the staff has everything under control ;)
Once again, neutral, reasons stated. Best of luck!
You can't nickname yourself in game. (It isn't a donor-rank perk or anything like that :p)