What if... alphas were picked BEFORE the game but weren't made alpha until the game actually started? Ok so a little background on this...
3 cause we are doing this even tho the mods are trolls to us.
Hai you nooblet ;D Thanks for being that (out of like 4) who actually looks at my posts (no one likes me :P)
oh crap... RIP mineverse (death by 4th or 5th crash)
That's why I said, I checked his profile and it said this thread was last viewed
(When was the last time a new map was added?)
The owner is probably adding this in now, might explain all the glitching...
I knew I'd get something like that from you :D EDIT: doing a YT video of a complete run (with fails [obviously]) 2 or 3 parts. 1-50, 51-88 (and...
(Bump) Thx for support :D
IGN/Team Name: jasmine476 Map Name: Hardcore Parkour Gamemode for Map: New gamemode (preferably make the parkour gamemode into a folder and fit...
Thx for the support everyone :D
Bump :P
You made fake suicide threats to get people to notice you ;-;
Nah, I'm asking to disable the recent thread notification for reports when they get responded to I don't see why we need to see other people's...
Ok, I have little time, cause school and all... yeah... but... here's a suggestion. When staff respond to reports, they usually get responded to...
DAILY REPORT Support: 3 supports. Neutral: 0 neutrals. No Support: 0 no supports. 7 Total Supports. 0 Total Neutrals. 0 Total No Supports. (Bump)
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: jasmine476 The offender's exact ingame name:...
Bump :P (Adding new support names tomorrow fyi)