Not sure if this is a valid report as it is not in the right section, but I will be posting here anyways. Mods will not accept players admitting...
If /d comes back what will you disguise as? You should know what I will be disguising as ;) :t
/d :t
Welcome! @kitkat6605910 :t
50% Support. You have an outstanding applicaion, but you are a bigger mini mod than me...
Sorry, My plot was glitched and people were able to open chests, even ones with shops on them. After I fixed the glitch, I forgot to undeny you,...
Welcome! please read the rules before doing anytimg c;
Be as brutal as possible
What do you even mean? Plus, I requested a thread lock...
Yeah thanks for the motivation...
Then why aren't they demoted if they lied? ._.
Or @Lola Perez
@Yin Please close this. I do not think I am ready.
Be as brutle as possible
Bump :)
Then that would be biased, now would it? :p
Posting in a thread that hasn't been posted in for 30 days or more
I suggested that about 3Months ago :t
Are you even allowed to grave dig suggestions?