Oh hey Jeff havent talked to you in a while add me on kek please or bbm pin xx
thanks im not really christian
im an innocent young christian girl i am not allowed to swear or i go to hell
shut up errr err ererrerer er SHUT UP
sounds fun
regens :D
no u
☆Introduction: ☆ Welcome to my moderator application! My in-game name is MoniVI but feel free to call me Moni. I'm currently 15 years old and...
thanks for feedback i'll work on it ok
am colour blind
Preface: Let me please introduce myself real quick. My name is not Oliver, I am fourteen years old and live in Germany (therefore I am terribly...
support for support?
P.S. I made this mod app on toilet pls no hate thx
Your in-game name: Takinator_,Takinator1, Takinator2, Takinator3, Takinator4, Takinator5, Takinator6, Takinator7, Takinator8, Takinator9,...
good tak