Thank you for your service, you did good! :)
Ignore him sparky he's just trolling which is actually bannable read the rules
@Ruminisque she fell in love with him and hasn't gotten up which means she hasn't stopped loving him. I swear you're a meme.
"She's falling but she doesn't think he'll catch her cause her last relationship was a disaster."
Hey nerd (:
Very cool
I'm all good fam, yeah maybe one day we can chill and talk, I have to go to college and flight school before I can head off.
Thanks for the feed back. :)
Actually I got known for destroying well known youtubers and have been featured on their videos. Because I have skill even though it sounds cringe.
Hey tom
No support
Goodbye <3
No support, you're only doing this for the title you don't have 1 mineverse video, upload more then I'll switch to support.
Shh they won't know LOL ;) jk
Neutral for now rodeenie, you're channel is great and really active but you just need to upload on mineverse more ❤ once I see those couple videos...
Shelby gettin all the h*** aye lmao
Be active, make reports, you don't have to be known but make sure to put some effort in your app if you go for it.
Dw about it.