No my brain lol
Why didn't you get promo?!
For ages I was thinking you new forums name was satisfactionsc. Just realised it isn't :(
Thank you all for your feedback but can you tell me what sorts of details should add. It is all well saying it needs more detail but where?
Holly leaf :)
I was addicted to opprison but not anymore my new fav is building :)
For the dirt blocks sorry I didn't notice I will fix it. I also stated that I was going to implement the iron bars when I am able to come online....
Doesn't matter lol - I just want to make the map to its full potential
It is at oxagonploke's first plot /p h oxagonploke didn't I list it??
Thank you for your feedback I will make the fences higher as soon as I can get online and add fewer pathways to reduce the donor issue. All will...
Your ingame name: Snowy4EVAnALWAYS The offender's exact ingame name: Skoobie2001 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Rude...
Mind if I afk on your profile?? Lol
Hello MrAnnounce :)
This is funny lol
He doesn't even know yet lol
Wow gratz on mod !!
What happened??