So there are a few smilies that I think are super cute, and should be added. I found these on the Skyblock forums! They are below, along with the...
1. Bay_Leaf 2. mrtacoman99 3. Spamming 4. [IMG]
1. Bay_Leaf 2. guude3 3. Disrespect/Cussing/Death Threats 4. [IMG]
I am pretty sure you can't, but just to clarify, is it possible to pass your rank onto someone else?
1. Bay_Leaf 2. fuze6 3. Player killing with lava 4. [MEDIA] This video is kinda long, sorry whoever is taking care of this. @Maemii
Hewo Everybody! So this coming Monday, I will be going to a camp for my church (Its only girls!! YES). I will be gone alllll week and the reason...
So post something about the person who posted above you, what you think about them! :stop:
So if you want to be in it comment below: Name in story:
1. Bay_Leaf 2. HydraSlayer124 3. Death threats/wishes 4. [IMG]
1. Bay_Leaf 2. adamapplebocinco 3. Disrespect 4. [IMG]
So is anyone doing rank upgrades? PM me please, and we can discuss it there. I'm looking for MVP or up. Thanks :). Edit: I have now been upgraded... - My voice crack tho [MEDIA] So who can do the best Elmo?? Post below your Elmo impersonation if you feel like...
IGN: DesertedD Theirs: DarrickMusselman What they did: Flying, aimbot, kill aura, speed Evidence: [MEDIA] (This is someone else's report, but it...
So yea. Tbh
So yeah, I'm one of those people who love to collect heads on Creative :). Anyways, this thread is just asking if anyone would be willing or...
Anyone know how some people on forums have weird text font thats different from the normal kind? Sorry Im so nooby :< IF ya know please comment...
In creative you should add lava, TNT, and water able to be placed. Maybe the lava, water, and TNT can't damage but it should still be there for...
I think that you should be able to pay players in Skywars. Command : /pay <player name> <$ amount> This idea is for NON voting, I don't understand...