Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.
This is another duplicate report, please stop posting the same videos. Invalid. Moving to Reports-Archive. Kind Regards, The Staff
Thank you for the report. This is a duplicate of your previous one. Moving to Reports-Archive. Kind Regards, The Staff.
The reported player is not hacking. This will be marked invalid.
This report is invalid. We can't ban people for their skins, but thank you for the report.
No support. Unfortunately, I have yet to see your good side. I often see you making bad choices and being very disrespectful to players. I hope...
You've put me to the test many times as a moderator and I want to thank you for that. Although you didn't make anything easy for me, you made me a...
If you guys want to fight, please do it privately. Deleting all off-topic messages and please stop flaming.
This is not tp trapping. You didn't tp to him and you were the one to tell him to come into the house, so this is invalid.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned. We'll miss you.
@canucksfan44 If you could do the op factions part of this, that'd be great. I'll handle the KitPvP stuff :)
I'll check as soon as I can get on my computer.