Hello, Mineverse Community. I'm suggesting that still water is able to be placed with a bucket. I was playing the server today, and trying to...
Hello, Mineverse community. This is a game I saw a while back, and it's probably grave dug by now, so I decided to bring it back. Worst moderator...
Hello, Mineverse Community. Here is a suggestion I think should be implemented regarding the ClearLag plugin. Due to a recent update, KitPvP...
Offer taken.
Hello, Mineverse community. I started saving up ingame cash for a rankup from Default-Sponsor. But KitPvP, Skyblock, and Prison are the only...
Hello, Mineverse Staff. I believe FakeASmile has broke the rate system abuse rule. Your ingame name: Sir_Brandon_III The offender's ingame name:...
Dear mineverse community. About an hour ago, someone by the username of TheDerpyGammer2[God] is threatening to report me for "Scamming." Here's...
Hello. I've been having trouble for some time now with my signature. Every time I try to upload a picture for my signature, it keeps deleting and...
Hello, mineverse. It's Sir_Brandon_III here with yet another suggestion. Regarding the ' inappropriate name ' rule. First off, NoobCrew, and...
Hello, mineverse. This is not my idea. Kitpvp should deal with the utter most annoying clearlag. It comes at the most random and worse times...
Hello. I have heard that TP trapping is against the rules in kitpvp. Please close this if it is not. Ign: Sir_Brandon_III. Offenders Ign:...
Just a little something I'd like to share with everyone. [Spoiler]
Hello, Mineverse community. I believe creative should have local and global chat. /local /global. What's /local and /global you may ask? /local...
Hello, I logged on today and lost 21 levels of xp from voting. Proof below. Thanks. -Sir_Brandon
Hello, Mineverse. I bring to you 'How well do you know your keyboard?' It's a fun little game I saw on a different forum, and would like to spread...
Hello. Is grave digging a suggestion not allowed? I've heard from a moderator, grave digging a suggestion is allowed. Just wondering, I saw a...
Hello. :D
Hello. This is my first player report, So I'm a bit rusty, :P I feel this is against/breaking the rules. "Scamming" My in-game name:...
Hello. I think creative should have /global /local chat. That way, when you are in an rp, /local, you will only see chat from the people in the...
Hello mineverse. There should be a trade system for most servers (Kitpvp, oppvp, prison, skyblock, archerpvp, etc). The idea is to prevent...