Neutral, + I see you on infection sometimes + You're nice & know the community well - Can be immature at times which is fine. Good luck!
Will it show who made the map in this message?
Basically, every time the game ends and all the players get tp'd to the lobby, a chest will spawn randomly in the map and if you right click it...
I think for a $30 difference from Elite ($50), Supreme should have an extra edition to the kit. Elite currently has: Full diamond, diamond sword...
I think the kit cooldown should go back to 4 mins so we could basically use it once every round.
Please, #RevertKitCooldown @Noobcrew Spawn camping is fixed, zombies now have extra rows of hearts. Now please give us our kits back!
Just comment on my thread, I legit made one earlier.
Here's a list of suggestions I have been seeing throughout playing the game. 1. Alpha zombie should be buffed. I agree with this. The alpha...
It's less laggy because parts of the game are taken out (Airstrikes).
I believe there should be a second lobby of infection for the following reasons: #1. To reduce lag #2. Infection isn't that fun with near 100...
Honestly, I love the gamemode and all, and I know there is a lot of lag that is hopefully getting fixed soon but, I can barely pvp in this game....
Once the lag is fixed, the game is perfect!
Support for Accept!
Alright sweet, I'm hyped!
Not your version of Infection btw. But, I'm also wondering why you decided to just bring it back now? When we asked for this months ago.
:( don't leave me! <3
sorry, didn't mean it! :(
hello, son.
100% agree. I was thinking about dedicating my time here as a moderator but I've decided not to and to run/start up my own server. It's just time...
Minecraft isn't dying, the server sucks. I'm very sorry to say this but it really does. Compared to the old mineverse and the old staff team, the...