Call me out why don't you smh
How would it be OP if there's only a few people to even get to Citizen smh
I know that but it's only a three day ban which is annoying because they will do it again and again
The price needs to be balanced, 3 million is a lot.
Mmm, check my suggestions
So we Prison players know once you enter the PVP zone and you're hit by another player, glass blocks force you to stay inside the PvP zones but...
No Support but I suggest instead of the glass blocks that are easily able to be placed to be replaced with another block that can't be mined so...
Like I said, the Citizen Rank is only for bragging rights at the moment. If perks were added to this rank then it'd be worth achieving and trying...
Last map Prison, McMMO was enabled inside the Prison walls. This reset for some reason it was disabled which makes McMMO basically pointless...
Basically my suggestion for Prison is to add some perks to the rank "Citizen", the ranks go in order from D-C-B-A-Free-Citizen and so forth....
Parkour isn't laggy at all lmao
What if someone drops their clock and it clears :( it's gone forever!!! Jk you can log out and join back but I'm to lazy to do that
I'm pretty sure 10 entities won't make players lag unless you have a trash computer.
Oh no 5 players who drop their clocks and torches will make it lag Noo
There's no point in clear lag if players can't drop items?
This isn't allowed.