Thanks! Thanks! Another video why this needs to be replaced:
You're cool
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: UncleUrnesto The offender's exact ingame name:...
The player that was banned was trying to ask moderators in-game for the link because he can't make a forums account and no moderator wants to help.
Literally moderator was banning someone for "headsnapping" and won't even link a video to it.
Jesus 16 moderators on the forums and two are in-game what a surprise!
Somethin that happened
These moderators need to be trained more.
PE is stupid
IGN: UncleUrnesto Time zone: Central
Thanks :)
Thanks! Yeah I agree I don't understand why there's no McMMO in the nether, thanks anyways!
Keep bothering I'm about it ;) Thanks
I totally see where you're coming from with the fix for free, maybe it could be on a cool down like two items can be repaired for free in an hour?...