How's it going?
Your ingame name: ElectroStorm The offender's ingame name:DoubleMCCombo A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Threatening to...
Your ingame name: ElectroStorm The offender's ingame name: moneyking41 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: ban...
Just. My. Opinion.
Your currently banned, why would I support you? No Support
Attention <Edited> much?
Your ingame name: ELectroStorm The offender's ingame name: Hells_Redempt A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking=...
I have a pic, but i'm kind flying in
My old name was lightningfingers, and I changed it to ElectroStorm. Can I change my forums name to ElectroStorm?
Ok thanks!
Banned yet you make a moderator application, wow.
Oh god :I
Omg, I knew it was gonna happen. Congratulations!
I was just banned by the owner on this other server, for "slow mining" hacks....
Dimples? C: