I do not have permission to do that command
Ingame-Name : The_Pinoy_Beast Offender's Ingame-Name : Coop2012 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it : Spamming :/...
Daniel, this is why all of us hated you and your past mod apps... always disagreeing and being rude :/
There we goo!!! Full support :D
I now support, all you gotta do is add more detail and maybe add some colour to it :D
Space them out and please follow the form. Also put some more detail. Then I will support. :P
No support what so ever, you spam threads, on the server you act very rude and immature, worst of all is you make so much Mod Applications to handle.
Support for sure
Oh sorry about that, didn't know
1. Ingame Name: The_Pinoy_Beast 2. Offender's Ingame Name : Khuerta22 3. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Advertising...
Well.... you could put more detail, once you add more detail I'll support :D
Gorilla, first of all you already hack, second you didn't even follow the form
Support but you can put some more detail and effort, the more effort the higher the chance :D
DERP I'm not a server techician :/
1. Ingame-Name: The_Pinoy_Beast :D 2. Offender's Ingame-Name: Boeing747guy 3. A description of what rule/how they broke it: Cursing 4....
Support, but when you said #1 you have good grammar and then you look at #4... uh... xD
1. Ingame-Name: The_Pinoy_Beast 2. Offender Ingame-Names: beanfang and iBuild4Luxury 3. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke...
Banned for not knowing I used to like card games :I
Banned for not realizing I'm a Yu-Gi-Oh card
Banned for being an Active Member