I can for sure see it. Good eye
I do not support because you are very rude and disrespect me
Rakion, can you make me one? If you forgot my Ingamename is The_Pinoy_Beast. Rakion also, can you send me the 3D avatar on Skype? Thanks!
Yes that is a bug, but maybe next time make a screenshot
For sure. You support the server a whole lot and help others frequently. :D
Support! I can't deny a person who plays Pokemon :)
deadly3355, make a mod application. Ifyou don't follow the mod application template they won't let you :P
I do not support becauseI think it needs more detail on 'Why do you think you should become a mod?' Also the light blue is very bright, can you...
I ca't support yet, I think you should put some more detail and also don't add IP's of the servers. It may take away people that like this server
Hello! This is my 2nd Moderator Application I have made, I only made a 2nd...
Please fill out the template. 1.Your Ingame-Name 2. The offenders Ingame-Name 3. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it 4....
Well hmm..... Ban him??? ender4life is quite a mean guy
Dear Noobcrew, and Cyp :/ I've been wondering since lots of people as humans are block glitching on maps, maybe you can disable block destroying?...
Ingame-Name: The_Pinoy_Beast Offender's Ingame-Name : Omakase88 What rule they broke/how they broke it : Cursing (not good idea)...
Hmm.... I'll tell you something you missed. Never be a hacker :D
Yes ban him, I seen him gliding before.
Sorry I don't support, I don't support because everybody would get raided constantly and that wouldn't be fun. Also that would take the popularity...
So off topic.... Not trying to myself off topic but you know what I mean
#CanadaFTW Btw Canada is beast :D