[Spoiler] Good luck the Angel says!
Support -_- Now carry on trying to deny jarroy.
Ugh... I thought I'd never say this, but SHAPOOOROROT
Sapport with a whipped cream and tree bark :D!
Yur thso frantlee : )
I like apples
Oops, it is actually DessiDoes_Gaming, sorry for the mistake
1. In Game Name : The_Pinoy_Beast 2. Offender's in game name(s) : DessiDoesGaming and Brandondud 3. What rule they broke/how they broke it:...
Support!!! Just it is true you have some grammar mistakes, but in other words. SUPPORT
Support!!! :D
Even though I supported before, FUDGE THAT!!! Support once again. Also my psychic tells me I will be the Future Vice President so bow before me. xD
Support, but I think you should add more stuff in Why do you think you should become a mod.
airrewteimn I tried :/
Well I did see you come on 3-4 days ago, why don't just try joining? If not make an appeal. But if your not banned this thing could just be...
OMG Uncle, you're not trying! Nobody hates you (even though you did hack). And plus Pile hates nobody. Shes a girl! And when you make a ban appeal...
Well it shows killaura ok I see now, but I dont see the autobow and anti knockback. You only say the term anti knockback where you are pvping...
Um thats killaura, autobow, and antiknockback? Thats just derp
So on Parkour I was on Level IV and then I noticed a parkour block dissapeared. Since the block dissapeared it is now impossible to finish Level...
Either there is a ban, warning, or no ban. Period. You can see that there is at least 1 hack in there. Good proof. Rakion, I'm sorry for your loss.
Yes. It is very sad... HACKERS GET A LIFE