Hello! Every day or every time someone guesses correctly, I will post a new riddle. Try to answer the riddles, but guys, no cheating. Don't google...
Hello everyone! I'm here with an idea that I found on another server I used to play on. So, on prison, I think it would be kindof cool to have...
Hello everyone! I'm ParanormalPizza. :) My last moderator application wasn't great, for many reasons. Hopefully, you'll think this one will be...
Hey everyone! I'm ParanormalPizza, or my old username was bloobla2. I'm Australian, and my irl name is Riley. I'm gonna be 14 years old on the 9th...
Hey. Right, so I'm getting really bothered by the fact that, on some servers, Elite and Supreme have access to NONE OF THE COMMANDS that they paid...
Hey everyone, I've been looking for songs to listen to, so I thought I'd ask you what your favourite songs are! At the moment, my favourite song...
edited on request http://www.mineverse.com/reports/9325/
Hey, before I write this application I would like to say a bit about myself. My name is Riley and I am 13 years old. I need to work on my cursing...