I just read all the 4 pages to see what y'all have to say about it and i've made some conclusions. There are replies by people just crying for...
Thats the point of kitpvp. Its not just to kill people. Sometimes you will be killed.
Bump. Also as an addition to the main thread: when we use pearls put a 7-10 seconds cooldown until we can use another one
Eula has gone soft. There is no point to be Eula compliant anymore.
Now that i started playing again on minevesre i want to suggest couple things for the kitpvp2 game mode. Spawn When we pvp everyone just want to...
This is where mods wish /tempbanip was a thing.
Thanks :)
Hellos, my in game name is jubkopu. This is actually the second itroduction thread i make on the forums here and thats why couple weeks after i...
There could be a way to fix your connection to the server. Windows has a "CMD" file on which you can excecute commands to copy or delete a file. I...
I will try that out too.Thanks
Thank you everyone hope to to see you soon on the server and ts. :D
Hello everyone my in game name is jubkopu and i joined the server today.I dont know much about it yet but i will play mostly on the pvp servers...