I cant wait for tomorrow :D
I cant believe that I lost all of the 49 levels that I obtained offline ;-;
Im so tired @_@
I cant believe I missed another day of checking out forums. The guilt is as heavy as the titanic D:
YES my laptop is finally fixed
I feel guilty for not being online on forums for a day. Hope everyone forgives me and understand that I have a life out there too. Sorry :(
D: I dont know what to do. This project my teacher gave me is too hard.....
Playing one more game of SkyWars before sleeping
Playing Bed Wars with my friends :)
Yes Malaysia Day tomorrow! No school :D I can finally rest and not faint every time im free :)
Gratz Scorvix and SSMH for being top voter of September 2015 :D
Having some fun in BvZ :)
K, going to cry in my sleep now
Gonna drown my sadness with some mineverse
First Violin Lesson, everyone said that I have talent. Went home to practice and one of my bow strings split ;-; What should I do...
So tired -.-
House opening starting D:
Everyone pretty quiet today :/
Getting forced to clean room by my mother ;-;
Thank you Scorvix :)