Hey torch! Thanks for the response, we will for sure work on that when we get the chance! Thanks for the support guys!
Boosting>>>>> (edit) Was banned LOL probably deserved but I reckon the staff team fixes these :D
Appreciate the support :D
Support gl!
Thank you for the support!
IGN/Team Name: JadenVro, Duplicityyy, _JayVro...
Seems like a nice and original map, support!
Support 100% Seen it in game multiple times gl!
Checked it out in game a couple times very good attention to detail in the map and looks very balanced, support!
Looks a little big but overall looks great, support!
Support goodluck!
Support, would love to see parkour be active and fun again.
I used to love having 5v5 battles and just going exploring back in the day on op, would be great if they removed the borders again, support!
Yeah true indeed, spawn prot is a counter for bow spamming but like juhler suggested that they make the prot time different for different maps...
[ATTACH] Two types of infection players (look closely)
I also agree with that, that would definitely make the games more fast paced for sure and it shouldnt be op considering you get to respawn right...
I agree 100% but there can still be chances of spawn killing possibly from people with teams and with 1 or 2 seconds it wont affect any camping...
I reckon maybe at most 2 seconds or 1 second of spawn prot just for the rare occasions when there is a spawn killer.