That joke will fly over everyone's head who doesn't have a job irl.
I have $15 in my bank account but I get paid tonight at 12am
i missed you mi novio
I speak fluent fowl language.
make up your mind plz
suicide isnt the right answer! Call 1-800-273-8255
can i have a tbh now?
My attitude may not be up to par a good bit of the time, but you're the one applying for staff, not me.
no support your attitude is horrible.
already sticking up for him, perfect for each other
so you're 12 why are you allowed to be staff?
my post got deleted gotta be nicer no support cyp is too lazy to manage another branch of staff
come on man i promise it'll be great
random has not yet responded to your last poke
hi I accidentally set my gender to female, is there a way you can change it to male please. also how do you make reports
i thought you had black hair???
tbh: i have no problem with you, I just don't agree with the fact you resigned and were so quick to apply. you overall seem pretty chill and I...
lol all of your eboys are getting tbh's ill take one