+ 1 like My discord got locked by Jichdt
Support! Ive seen you on alot actually so I dont know why people are saying you're inactive
So he also blackmails people telling them to give him their stuff or else they get ddosed? thats rough
You were literally iplogging someone yesterday why are you saying you moved on, you don't even associate you're the main person of the group who...
You're such a pathetic liar if I had your info I'd use it against you right now but I don't I hope you're not believing him
The fact that multiple groups of people who don't like each other are grouping up against you on this thread because you ddosed them all just...
My earlier support was an obvious joke for those who dont realise, this dude logged my ip and ddosed me for absolutely no reason. He does this to...
Border remove sure, more water? nah I want to take your rods
ovo dowze and idiol
no support I barely bypass lunarclient how will i bypass mv's new anticheat??
support, very nice player
I play this server 24/7 and have never seen you on, no support
Support, he is the best pvper on minecraft and behaves like any parent would want their child to behave. He's an inspiration for most of us, an...
You forgot to mention Darragh sitting afk under spawn in god mode while 3 bhoppers are bhopping around him for literally 2hours
Support, kitpvp is even more dead than oppvp
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Plouuu The offender's exact ingame name:iDontHave A...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Plouuu The offender's exact ingame name: Cencaiy A...
@Porky i tag him cause he knows how to pvp :p