[ATTACH] [ATTACH] You not know but mineverse does not have an official youtube channel so I created one. I am hiring for players with recording...
Hello I have recently be messaged about Demoting Bantz? Why would I waste my money on premium. Reasons: - I own over 5 servers. - I need money to...
Your in-game name: Daniel9757 Offender's in-game name: edc360 The rule he/she is breaking: DDOS/Hack threats Evidence: [ATTACH][ATTACH] THIS IS...
Anyone like my signature? **...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] SkullYard is an fun Medieval Map. With Parkour, Haunted Mansion, Underground Mine and even a River. [ATTACH] [MEDIA] [ATTACH]...
Your ingame name: Daniel9757 The offender's ingame name: LogicClown A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Racism / Swearing...
KITPVP 1.0 - New map, - Custom things added in, - New warps. MAP Custom Build Team (with Creative map builders) CUSTOMISED THINGS Custom Warp...
HEY GUYS! Cool update! - New Hub? [ATTACH]
MODERATOR APPLICATION Hey Mineverse, I am a old member on MV, I know quite a lot of the community. I was the first Admin Rank, God Rank and Titan...
[ATTACH] My minecraft is not lagging I'm typing in the chat DG_Bosses look :p But I did /friend 3 2 1 the game started I clicked on the...
1 Your ingame name: Daniel9757 2 The offender's ingame name: puffle_lover 3 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking...
I have noticed recently there have been more crashes on mineverse then usually. 63% more then before. How can we fix this problem?
Your ingame name: Daniel9757 The offender's ingame name: OPGamer47 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Advertising...
Infection Map Information The map takes place in God Zilla (the movie), when the city is faked radioactivity and it is old and messed-up. Video...
I do /spawn, I wait 20 seconds then I log out. I log in, *dead*! Is this a glitch staff is aware of?
Log: 8:24:50] [Server thread/INFO]: CONSOLE issued server command: /list [08:24:50] [Server thread/INFO]: There are 0 out of maximum 500 players...
Hey I will buy rank upgrades for you if you give me something(s) on Mineverse. I am mainly looking for money and items on sky block - (rare spawn...
MC-LEGENDS CLAN PAGE Welcome to MC-Legends Clan Page, this clan was create to start a small team on OPFactions, KitPvP and OPPvP. APPLICATION...
Your ingame name: Daniel9757 The offender's ingame name: wisemars A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: DDOS Threats to 8four4...