Thanks for all the warnings and bans, Billy. Fave mod right here
Welcome Back Bails :)
Bye nerds :)
Ight I'm going to keep this short, I'm leaving. To ensure my leave, I am going to get myself banned. Reason for me leaving? Most of my friends...
Thanks sir
I'm going to be honest, you make me cringe a lot
Potassium Yttrium Sulfur!!!
Lol ur still here
Because I dislike your post like lmfao
Idk and no
Thanks for being the person that showed patronized me and exposed me to the toxic side. Never forget u
My favorite elements are Potassium Yttrium and Sulfur. You should do those 3 :)
Like what do you even do here
Why do you care it's just a dislike lmfao
Thanks ma'am
I don't explain
That was a good one right?
Yes on snapchat
Cause you're desperate?