we're all trash, porky can beat all of us
Your ingame name: Aleveran The offender's exact ingame name: efuq A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: (you give love a) bad...
I'm not sure if this is still applicable but a few months ago at least some of the mods were told not to ban for reach, presumably because...
from what i know it wouldnt be very difficult to set a separate region for dragon eggs within a certain distance of spawn
why would you? it doesnt affect noobcrews income so he doesnt care to help you
You joined this year, 37 msgs on forums. you're nobody.
neutral, feels like ur not really present ingame, you're online but you dont take part in anything
if you dont know me then ur the rand
damn a good list of cheaters
I got banned for a week for calling Capitaine_Morgan "morgie" on his alt, an alt everyone knows is his, his discord name is morgan, the account...
i remember when you said having 9 cps and 100 ms means i couldnt beat you legit.
double click macro
but he deserved it so im changing to support
one more thing, search for your ign on the forums. there are several instances of you severely breaking rules such as cheating and scamming. just...
including commented supports, you have 8 supports in total. 6 of these are closet cheaters/blatant cheaters and a couple are perm banned on their...
That site seems to be broken in other ways too, I have 3 alarms telling me to vote daily and yet voting 3 times on every site every day I somehow...
No thanks, I like getting 100+ keys a day from my afk alts
yo wtf dude my old friend made featherboard, this is racist
thank you for this important update, its not like anything needed fixing on other gamemodes that people actually play.
i can give you my egirl, i dont need her @Boobalyboo