Your ingame name: MikeASE The offender's exact ingame name: Fluffske A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Reach /...
thats the same as pet blocking, which is bannable. make intentional blocking with /god bannable and it wont be a problem. this could be fixed by...
give higher ranks /god. only usable in spawn so you cant use it to save yourself in pvp, but you keep god when you drop down. once again you cant...
no you flew in pvp :c
the thing is morgan will unironically think rent is admitting to cheating here
Your ingame name: Everam The offender's exact ingame name: Ceyez A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacks Evidence/full...
Who? Play for more than a day before you apply lol
well about those survival rewards, i was false banned 4 days ago but of course since someone was using my account to xray its apparently still my...
i've never played infection as i was banned within a few days of it opening, so the only xp i have is from voting. [IMG] i was able to prestige 8...
ign: Everam Current rank: God Why do you want the rank? So I can do a rankup giveaway like my role-model ecuddles slow it down at 0:14, go frame by frame if you have to. he never holds a chestplate...
sure just take away the main reason anyone buys titan
wtf stop double posting idiot Look at this idiot lol
wait you let k0rdic play on her account? he admits to autoclicking every day and you let him compete?
well the anticheat doesnt do much to stop me, liquidbounce reach and velocity mostly bypasses. i get kicked more often for just butterfly clicking.
well apart from the time i got false banned by a single mod's decision based on their lack of experience. and dont tell me they consulted other...
how about this, myself and a few of my friends openly cheat. we use blatant clients that can easily be found a in a screenshare but nobody can...
really though, if the staff could identify hacks they would have been able to tell i'm cheating in most of my own reports. literally liquidbounce...
Your ingame name: jontard The offender's exact ingame name: sando3 and efuq A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Its blocked...