I was wondering if you could make me a Sick " Thumbnail " With my skin with a fishing Rod, and then Overlay text " Mineverse PvP " In-Game-name:...
Well thx, for your opinions :P
@PopIs_MyLife @PandaBear__ @VaMeSa123
My Ign: DiddiGamingFTW Offenders IGN: RavenMichke What did he break and why : Kill aura / Aimbot etc Evidence: [media]
DiddiGamingFTW Gl :3 I fen
Hey ! I`m doing a sort off a " research " of who you guys, think is the best PvPer on Mineverse, 2013 to 2015. Please tell me :) ~Diddi
Accepted brah <333
Your in game name: DiddiGamingFTW Offender(s) IGN: Mnystad Waht rule they broke, how did they brake it: Possible Kill Aura Ff but definatley...
Ign: DiddiGamingFTW Gamemode Banned on: KItPvP Link to accepted appeal...
Ign Name: DiddiGaymen Age: 3 PvP Skills: Bether than you Skype: Wario dream on, stop asking Were you ever banned : Yupp What Rank you have:...
@Wario957 is it weired, you start enderpearling at 6 hearts that proves one thing, your not that good at PvP, and my clan is just for the best...
Jakob, This is a Really Good Mod App, I wish you the best :) You know that, Support from day one.
Support :)
Guys I just got banned for apperanlty " Hacking " which I hope you guys know, I don`t.. ~DiddiGaming I am gonna make an Apply now :)
Well maaan : Accepted <3
Accepted m8, First Titan in the Party :) Btw add me on skype
We are 11 members but you can apply if you want be my guest :)
Dude that sounded sort off you know Girldriend and Boyfriend stuff but whatever accepted :) But bether stick to what you said :)