That Method is terrible.. If you`re a donor you can just use, /back to og to the " Sell " Sign and than /back again and mine, so much bether :)...
Some man :P
KitPvP, no doubt
Support ! Good App, you`ve said all the thing that is required to get my SUpport ! Really nice app and GOOD LUCK !
LoL, You just showed that you can`t be Mod with this reply...
Sorry, but I can`t give you my support, I`m on 27/7 mostly on KitPvP and Opprison, and I`ve never seen you on the server :) Ths app is really...
Don`t even like my relpy :O
This App, THE BEST <3 FULL SUPPORT SINCE DAY ONE, Good Luck, seeing forward to see you as a Mod :)
I`ll say yes :)
Please post stuff like this here :)
I`m R :) And I`m addicted to it :) But it gets so boring to mine, but you don`t wanna stop, you know what i`m saying ? :)
Agree, but I just /ignore them. :)
I`ll give you 500 Billion for 3 Mill on Op rison, btw, title is " Giving " my stuff on Op factions, change it to selling :)
I think the price is just perfect, 7 $ is 7 kills, you can get that many kills in 3 Minutes, so i`m sorry but you do not have my Support
Almost every Prison server have " Pricate " donor mines, so I think Mineverse should get it to. Support !
This idea is briliant, You have my Support !
Nice, but isn`t this a suggestion :) But I tottaly agree
This is very confusfing O_o but I understood :) Thx for the warning
I'm looking for someone that makes nice GFX, I'm looking for a Thumbnail , Atm, so if you're good with it, please make me one it would be awesome...