No support, i think this will cause a ton of lag. Sorry.
Nice, keep it up !
I`ve told a Moderator what to do and I liked it :3 I`ve alos done it to you @Xelnagahunter :3 And you went pretty mad xD
@TheSlayer572 wanna be <3 :3 Jk`s sure, truce :)
KitPvP: @Zero_Inzanity , Deal with it
Bro, call me
Added :)
@CosmicGalaxy32 how much for 5 k I`ve 20 k 25 USD for that ? You pay through Paypal :) Talk further on msg
LuLm :P eZ
I just got it :P
@Tomlou4321 could you Pm me your skype or add me ? And we talk further there ?
Please close this thread @PandaBear__ @VaMeSa123 @larrythebird101 @rachetclanks @Chloyybear4ever
Hey ! I`m looking for someone that does GFX:bitenails:. I need this for my server :) And I`ve seen some amazing Banners/Profile Pics and so on,...
Is it possible to transfer Ranks between accounts ?
1. Ign: DiddiGamingFTW <3 2. What Theme: Normal just Normal Minecraft 3. What are you favorite colors? Purple and green 4. What would u like...
Daniel, you look like aice guy :) Accepted party m8 :)
Accepted babe
Nice, Merri Christmas to you to :) <3