There are two people, roem99 and ALKebab, who will not get off of _AbbieGrace_ and my claim no matter how many times we ask. They also tried to...
Here are abbiegirllittle, iBreatheFire and I with our biggest fan Jakster!!!! Also, shoutout to Kuromi59 in the back.
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: OhNoNiall The offender's exact ingame name:...
Yes! I just waited a couple of hours and then I tried again and it worked. Thank you!
I'm trying to vote and it says you have to wait until tomorrow to vote again, but I haven't voted today. Is there a 24-hour reset or is it...
Ok? I was just confused about how some people had 3 votes for the month of December on the 2nd and then I realized my mistake and corrected...
I am not a mod, but seeing as how other applicants were able to get the job I think that your application needs a hefty amount of additional...
Thanks That actually makes a lot of sense. Thank you haha
Update: as I posted this, I realized that there are time zones.... I applaud myself.
I am working on being a top voter this month and when I went to the website, there were already people with 3 votes. I'm quite confused...
Hello peeps, My name is OhNoNiall (yes, Niall Horan is my favorite person on this planet). I like to play survival on this server and I was...
I still support this Support Support Support
First of all, she is only applying for MOD on survival (which she forgot to specify in her application), which she plays, which is the only thing...
Support Support Support