because I'm easy come, easy go, little high, little low
boo you
open your eyes look up to the skies and seeeeeeeeeeeee
Noted! (I sent you a friend request on discord btw I love meeting new people) :)
I'll be seeing Walk The Moon in concert for the fourth time this summer I'm a mess
why is this me
I didn't know you before you left but I like your application and I can fully understand why you left in the first place. Hopefully they can...
you're a donor brandon
Of course! Survival is the main server I play on yes. I don't really play on the pvp servers because I'm not good at it ;-; but I'll try to get on...
true ngl
I haven't know you for that long and I know that my opinion on here doesn't matter that much because I am relatively new, but I'm gonna give you a...
wow I love Walk The Moon so much
I agree on the fact that if they do anything in the end it should be expanding the borders because they're really small
someone sell me all of their emeralds
Hello, So I was (kinda) recently griefed at /warp HEB and a player with the name Generously claimed the grief (I would post my ban thread but I...
omg this is so annoying I support
hey jeff
hey same
I don't really know you either but hey I like your profile picture and I like taking part in these kinds of things so yay
ya girl crushed her presentation mainly because nobody else read the book yay